Day 226: I heard Glenn Beck speak several months ago and he mentioned the Restoring Honor Rally he would be hosting between the Lincoln and Washington Monuments on 8/28. He chose to host it there because America needs to remember those Founders and what they stood for. The ensuing months of hype were quite surprising; I had no idea that the event I penciled on to a scrap of paper in May would grow so large and create such controversy. That same day, Beck said it coincidentally would be falling on the anniversary of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, and what better day and bigger honor could it be to pursue those same ideas of freedom so many years later? Not surprisingly, by speaking on this day, the media warped that honor into something ugly and racist, despite the fact that Dr. King's own family members would participate in this rally.
We took far too long to head down to the Mall. The metro station was the most packed I have ever seen (including Nats crowds) and the streets were filled with Americans wanting to bring us back to our foundations. Beck had asked that people didn't carry signs, so instead there were t-shirts and American flags. Oh, so many flags! We missed Governor Palin and several others, but the shoulder to shoulder crowds that made it take an hour to move a mere 200 yards, was polite and surprisingly quiet in efforts to hear what was being said, cheering and clinging on to the words proclaimed by different heroes of our country from athletes, to pastors, to soldiers. We made it within view of the stage in time to here Beck say it's not about politics, but God, and that before we want to fix this country, this country needs to fix its relationship with God; quite a bold statement to a crowd of 500,000 from a man with a lot to lose. But he was met with emotional cheers of agreement. There were portions that were a little over the top, but largely, the day was an encouragement to all and a reminder that there are still many who support the Constitution and what it still stands for after all these years. I figured the day would close with God Bless America, but was pleasantly surprised when the bagpipes came out playing Amazing Grace and all these people sang those powerful words together, it was definitely a day to remember. Day 225: I have been avoiding D.C.'s Friday night "Jazz in the Garden" all summer because I don't like jazz and I thought it would be lame. I was SO wrong. The roommates all met downtown with instructions to bring a bottle and snack to share. Good wine, good food, good company, who needs good music?
Day 224: Party bus with lounge chairs on top of it?...sweet.
Day 223: Oh, what a beautiful baby!
(I just realized I've already posted this picture. There will be plenty more to come, but this is still my favorite, so I'm leaving it! :)